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Between Art Nouveau and the Avant-Garde: The Personal (Ego) Network of Ivan Meštrović and the Map of Critical Reception of His Work during the 1910s
Prančević Dalibor
Between Creativity and Pragmatism: A Structural Analysis and Quantitative Survey of Federal Competitions for Yugoslav Monuments and Memorial Complexes (1955–1980)
Horvatinčić Sanja
CIAM Network Visualisation – Detecting Ideological Ruptures in the CIAM Discourse
Bjažić Klarin Tamara
Bojić Nikola
Duality of Structure and Culture: A Network Perspective on the Independent Cultural Scene in Zagreb and the Formation of the WHW Curatorial Collective
Tonković Željka
Sekelj Sanja
Networking of Central European Artists’ Associations via Exhibitions. The Slovenian Art Association, Czech Mánes and Polish Sztuka in Zagreb in the Early 20th Century
Kraševac Irena
Šlosel Petra
On Digital Art History: The Objectives and the Results of the Project ARTNET
Kolešnik Ljiljana
The Transition of New Tendencies from Neo-Avant-Garde Subculture to Institutional Mainstream Culture. An Example of Network Analysis.
Kolešnik Ljiljana